Fully Vaccinated Travellers to St Vincent and the Grenadines

The last couple years have been challenging and traveling to the islands for a yacht charter has been a dream for many of you.

Now that you are able to reach the beautiful Grenadines islands again, nothing would make us happier than knowing your time here is a dream come true and that travel to and from the islands is becoming easier and more stress free.

Whilst flights and testing may not have all looked picture perfect in the past, we are so happy to share these new updated covid protocols for entry to St Vincent and the Grenadines.

It is our hope with each step we take forward, we are able to share ways of making your vacation the best possible. We are so looking forward to seeing you back in the islands sailing soon.

Salt Whistle Bay, Mayreau

New Protocol for Fully Vaccinated Travellers to St Vincent and the Grenadines

  • Fully vaccinated travelers are now able to enter St Vincent as long as visitors arrive with a negative Covid 19 or negative SARS-CoV-2 rapid antigen test. In this case, new protocol states travelers will not be re-tested on arrival or need to undergo the previous 48 hour quarantine time.
  • Prior to travel, visitors to St Vincent and the Grenadines will need to complete the Pre-Arrival Form at www.health.gov.vc
  • Travelers who have recently had Covid 19 (between 10 days and 2 months) can apply for an exemption to enter St Vincent and the Grenadines with a positive result, as long as proof of the original positive test is provided and proof of full vaccination is shown.
  • In some instances, it may still be necessary for travellers to undergo testing on arrival which is outlined in the full document below.

There are other processes that may also need to be followed. All processes are outlined in the full Protocol for fully vaccinated Travellers 3rd March 2022 document, which can be downloaded below.

Protocol St Vincent and the Grenadines Travellers

St Vincent aims to provide a safe entry of travellers to the islands in a manner that reduces risk of the importation and transmission of COVID-19 in St Vincent and the Grenadines.

We are all excited to see you back here enjoying the best of the islands.

St Vincent and the Grenadines Yacht Charter