5 Caribbean Events Not To Miss!


Your Barefoot Guide to Swimming with the Turtles

On your Barefoot Yacht Charter, discover the Tobago Cays, where you will find the only natural turtle sanctuary in the Grenadines. Grab your mask and snorkel and dive into the tropical, turquoise waters.  “Sea turtles are one of the Earth’s most ancient creatures. The seven species that can be found today have been around for 110 million years, since […]

Barefoot Yachts – 3 Generations of Selfless Sailors

Barefoot Yacht Charters has a love of Sailing…and Animals Barefoot Yacht Charters in St. Vincent and the Grenadines sails smoothly in the capable hands of founder/owner Mary Barnard. It’s therefore no surprise that the same drive and dedication she puts into Barefoot Yacht Charters extends to her volunteer work as president of the non-profit Vincentian Society […]

Grenadines Magical Coral Reefs

St Vincent and the Grenadines Show-Stopping Coral Reefs Throughout St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Barefoot Yacht Charters transports snorkellers and divers to diverse and magical worlds of healthy, living, revitalised coral reefs.  Four islands in SVG have been designated as Marine Conservation Areas; additionally, there’s one Marine Reserve and two Marine Parks, one of which, […]

Support the children and win a sailing holiday with Barefoot Yacht Charters

Wouldn’t you love to know you are supporting the children of St Vincent and the Grenadines with Barefoot Yacht Charters, while sailing one of the most beautiful destinations in the world? Of course you would! That’s why folks are jumping into the American Sailing Association/Hands Across Sea Caribbean Getaway Sweepstakes. It’s easy! Follow this sweepstakes entry link […]

Unique and Unforgettable – The Joy of Family Sailing

Sailing with your family, working together as a team to help crew a yacht, and enjoying time out from the rigours of daily life, will leave you with indelible memories you love to revisit again and again around the dinner table. Work together Sailing, whether as a leisure activity or competitive sport, requires teamwork – […]

Meet Barefoot’s Sailing School Instructor

Meet Barefoot’s Sailing School Instructor – Nancy Hancock

Carnival in St Vincent and the Grenadines with Barefoot Yacht Charters

Carnival in St Vincent and the Grenadines

Purchase Your Own Yacht

There’s nothing quite like sailing your own boat around the magical Islands of St Vincent and the Grenadines.